
Most of the fake goods in the United States from China

Most of the fake goods in the United States from China

The U.S. department of homeland security recently released a report, according to a report in the United States most of the fake goods from China, the authorities launched an investigation. By understanding that U.S. customs in the inspection of goods last year, a total of more than 28000 seized to counterfeit products, including most of the counterfeit goods come from China Hong Kong and mainland China. According to the U.S. customs and border protection (CPB) in fiscal 2015 seizure of counterfeit products, according to the relevant data of the following is the most often a few kinds is the shipping inspection of goods:
1, clothing/accessories
Clothing and accessories is one of the biggest fake goods category, seized more than 21% the number of times. High-end clothing high profits, so profitable. Want to buy high-end clothing’s desire to promote the development of the counterfeit market.
2, consumer electronics products
Consumer electronics goods seized more than 17% the number of times, the goods seized a total of more than $1300, about 10% of the total value seized goods.
Many American consumers want to buy the latest product, so to some extent, to stimulate the purchase and sell fake electronic products. Many consumers can easily become the victim.
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